Hot Bed Press: Rebranding Resilience for 21st Century Printmaking

Author: William Seabrook
Date: 15.02.2022
Partisan has recently won the contract to rebrand Hot Bed Press.
Hot Bed Press is dedicated to supporting printmakers practically and promoting print as a dynamic, innovative medium in the digital age. As a not-for-profit company, it offers a range of printmaking facilities and courses, supporting the continued viability and growth of print and printmaking.
Hot Bed Press formally established itself in 1999, evolving from the Manchester Artists’ Papermaking and Printmaking Studios. 
Retaining its resilience and appeal during the pandemic, the company has continued to thrive, ensuring the accessibility of its facilities and courses within permitted guidelines.

Coming out of these restrictions, Hot Bed Press is looking at the next phase of its development as a brand and an organisation.
Challenging Print
With an increasing demand for its courses and printmaking facilities, Hot Bed Press is expanding and increasing the capacity of its building.

In line with this, it wants to raise its profile and make sure its brand more closely captures and expresses its values, purpose and principles. A powerful driving force behind the Hot Bed Press brand is the promotion of print as a major contemporary communication medium.

Hot Bed Press’s mission is to challenge print:

  • Challenge established conceptions and beliefs about print
  • Challenge perceived boundaries to what it can achieve
  • Challenge and persuade organisations and enterprises to engage with print to experience its benefits.

With its in-depth, methodical and creative approach to branding, Partisan sees working with Hot Bed Press as an ideal match.
Hot Bed Press symbolises both resilience and regeneration, taking a grassroots-first approach to creativity and industry that recognises how the community is a core ingredient of sustainable branding.
This aligns strongly with other projects Partisan has undertaken, defining the role of branding as central to regeneration, placemaking and forging deep connections with communities.

Partisan is a Manchester-based agency that uses branding as a philosophy and practical tool for long-term growth and development.
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